
If a sip of hot coffee or bite of ice cream sends pain through your teeth, you likely have sensitive teeth. To help make you more comfortable and treat this sensitivity, your dentist may recommend sensitive toothpaste. This product can help guard your teeth against hot and cold substances while strengthening your enamel. 

What to Know About Sensitive Toothpaste

How Does This Toothpaste Treat Sensitivity?

dentistPotassium nitrate is often the main active ingredient in toothpaste for sensitive teeth. This ingredient works by reaching the nerves inside of the teeth and blocking the pain signals. Since many cases of tooth sensitivity are caused by enamel damage, this can help control the symptoms of that damage. After several days of brushing, you will generally feel less discomfort when enjoying hot or cold food and drinks. 

How Else Should I Treat Tooth Sensitivity?

While special toothpastes can help control tooth sensitivity, it’s always best to see your dentist about this problem. Besides worn enamel, tooth sensitivity can also be caused by cavities, worn fillings, gum disease, and chipped teeth. Your dentist can find the specific cause of this sensitivity and prescribe specific treatment, including fluoride treatments, root canals, and gum grafts. If your sensitivity is caused by worn enamel, they can recommend a specific cleaning regimen to control the sensation. 


Whether you are due for a routine cleaning or want to have your sensitive teeth examined, dentist Eric J. Hartzell, DMD and his team are here to care for your oral health needs. Since 1994, Dr. Hartzell has been treating families in High Point, NC, offering expert care in a comfortable facility. He and his staff perform treatments such as root canals and crown placement while educating their patients on better dental hygiene. They are also available for emergency visits and dental repair. For more information on Dr. Hartzell and the treatments he offers in Guilford County, visit his website or call (336) 886-8776. 
