
When you commit to learning how to sing or play an instrument like the violin, piano, or guitar, taking classes in music theory can be daunting. That being said, having a solid grasp of sight-singing, sight-reading, ear training, and harmony can improve your overall musicianship and bolster your passion for the art form. If you’re still not convinced about the importance of music theory, here are a few ways to get inspired and enjoy the process. 

3 Tips for Making Music Theory Education Fun

1. Analyze Your Favorite Song

If the basic principles of music theory are a struggle, consider analyzing your favorite song. You’ll already be familiar with the melody, so seeing the notes and rhythm written on paper can make the process more personal and engaging. 

2. Try Your Hand at Composing

Music TheoryAs you hone in on your skills in singing and playing an instrument, flex your creative muscles by composing unique melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and chord progressions.

While you “ tinker,” write down the notes or use the appropriate software as you listen and play. Through the process, you’ll uncover your unique sound and put your music theory skills to good use. 

3. Feel the Music

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with reading sheet music and forget the joys of what you’re performing. To ensure that you maintain the fun of learning music theory,  you can further explore your sense of rhythm by even dancing to the music!  Incorporating movement is an exciting way to tie the educational aspect to the soul of what you’re learning. 


Suzuki Music School of Maryland has been providing music education, lessons and classes for students throughout the greater Columbia, MD, area, surrounding counties, and the District of Columbia for over 30 years. If you’re a parent looking for ways to stimulate your child’s passion for the arts, music theory, playing an instrument, and singing, to learn new skills, gain self-confidence, and thrive in educational environments, call the school today at (410) 964-1983 to discuss their current enrollment offerings. For more information on available courses, from voice lessons to guitar, violin, and piano, visit their website
