
Nobody likes spending all of their money on monthly utility bills, so it’s important to make your home as energy efficient as possible so that all your money isn’t simply flying out the window. There are some common issues that might lead to inefficiencies around your home. Here are some quick tips, including upgrading your windows and doors, that can help you save money and reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

The Top Tips for Making Your Home More Energy Efficient

Add Insulation

Hot or cool air can make its way out of your home through the walls if they’re not properly insulated. A home inspection can help you identify any areas where there might not be enough. It’s especially important to have proper insulation in your attic since that’s where heat rises to and often escapes from.

Block Drafty Areas

windowsYou might also find small gaps in between your walls and other parts of your home’s exterior, like the windows and doors. Examine these areas carefully and look for any places that are not entirely closed off, then add caulk over those spots.

Update Your Windows & Doors

The windows and doors themselves can also let heat escape. So, if you’re looking to improve your energy efficiency, you could upgrade to windows made with multiple panes or glazing material that is made to trap in heat and exterior doors that are made with insulated core materials. You can check the energy ratings of any new products you’re looking to buy or work with a trusted window and door company that can walk you through the options and help you find the materials that will work best to insulate your home.


If you’re looking to upgrade the windows and doors in your home, JFK Window & Door in Cincinnati, OH can help. The company prides itself on its exceptional level of craftsmanship and expertise. Serving the community since 1990, the company offers a showroom featuring products from top brands, like Andersen Windows, and even offers custom products specifically crafted to fit your home. You can contact the team online or call (513) 851-1000 to learn more.
