
If you want to improve the appearance and extend the life of your asphalt driveway, your local hardware store likely carries a sealant that will do the job. This makes the pavement more resistant to weathering, cracks, water, driveway salt, and more. Many professionals offer to apply sealant as a service, but it’s possible to handle the task on your own once you understand what it entails.

A Guide to Sealcoating Your Driveway

Wait for Good Weather

Sealcoating works best when it’s dry outside for at least a few days and when the weather is warm or hot. This will give the coating you use enough time to completely cure before coming in contact with water.

Clean Your Driveway

Before you start, sweep your pavement thoroughly to remove dirt and debris. If necessary, you can wash the surface with water, but if you do, you’ll need to wait at least 24 hours for it to dry.

Fill Holes & Cracks

Hardware StoreIf your driveway is not new, you’ll need to repair any wear and tear on its surface before you seal it. Crack fillers and patch materials can also be found at the hardware store, and should be applied and allowed to set according to the directions on the packaging.

Mix Your Sealant

When you bring it home from the hardware store, keep your bucket of sealant upside down for a minimum of 24 hours to help loosen any components which have settled to the bottom. Then open the bucket and mix the contents thoroughly.

Apply Two Coats

Pour out your sealant, creating a line across its width. Using a squeegee, work the sealant across the surface, leaving behind as thin a layer of sealant as possible. Make sure to overlap each stroke. Allow the sealant to dry, then add a second coat running at a 90-degree angle to the first.

Let It Cure

No one should walk or drive on your driveway for at least 24 hours after application, if not 48. After that, your sealant may need weeks to cure fully, depending on the weather and the type you choose. Until it is cured, avoid parking or setting heavy objects on your driveway, and keep it dry as much as you can.


If you need supplies to sealcoat your driveway, visit the Covington, KY, hardware store, Ideal Supplies. Previously known as True Value, this store has offered a full range of supplies and tools for home and yard projects for over 50 years. For help choosing the right products for your needs, call (859) 491-6666 or see some of their options online.
