
It’s important for seniors to stay active for optimal health, but as we age, mobility and flexibility become increasingly difficult. That’s when water exercises come into play. Swimming pools offer seniors a chance to improve their health while they have fun. Simply consider these benefits.

Why Older Adults Should Take Up Swimming

1. Offers Easier Exercise

Water aerobics and swimming offer a low-impact workout that doesn’t put stress on the joints. In fact, the buoyancy of water eliminates the jarring movements that can cause injury and pain.

2. Improves Balance & Coordination

poolsResearch has shown that seniors who swim are less likely to experience falls thanks to their improved balance and coordination. Exercises in the pool require participants to develop coordinated movements of both their upper and lower extremities.

3. Reduces Risk for Osteoporosis

Aging increases the risk for fracturing bones and osteoporosis, but swimming can enhance bone marrow density while weight-bearing exercises can build bone strength. 

4. Good for Heart Health

Water aerobics provide an excellent source of cardio exercise, strengthening the heart muscle, improving circulation, and lowering blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of heart and lung cancer.

5. Fun

Swimming can be a group activity, and time spent at the pool offers an excellent reason to interact with your friends and peers. Plus, water exercises produce endorphins, which lower stress and reduce depression.


Residents in Troy, MO, can turn their backyards into a place to improve their health while having fun with swimming pool installation from The Pool Guys. For more than 30 years, they have helped homeowners choose, design, and install above or inground swimming pools for a variety of purposes. Pools come in different shapes and sizes and can be designed for almost any budget. Call (636) 462-7665 or visit their website to schedule an appointment with one of their professionals today.
