
When your dentist asks whether you floss regularly, they aren’t trying to shame you—they simply want to safeguard your smile. Flossing is essential to preventing periodontal disease, which can have serious consequences including tooth loss. With September marking National Gum Care Month, it’s the perfect time to reiterate the importance of healthy gums.

Why Healthy Gums Matter

Gum disease is a progressive condition. It starts when plaque builds up along the gums, allowing bacteria to infect the tissue. This initial stage is called gingivitis. As the infection worsens, gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease and, later, “advanced” periodontal disease. 

dentistHealthy gums are not only essential for a beautiful smile, they also contribute to your overall well-being. When bacteria inhabiting the gums enter the bloodstream, they can migrate to other parts of the body and produce an inflammatory effect. Research suggests that people with periodontal disease are more likely to experience adverse cardiovascular events, like heart attack and stroke. 

Signs & Prevention

The great news is that the early stages of gum disease can be reversed. This is why it’s so important to recognize the signs. Early symptoms include red, tender and swollen gums, which may bleed when brushing or flossing. You may also have bad breath due to the bacteria in your mouth. Later signs include receding gums, loose teeth, and pus around the gums or teeth. 

Prevent gum disease with oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day and floss before bed. Professional teeth cleanings allow your dentist to remove plaque and tartar you can’t tackle at home. They can also spot symptoms you may have missed. If so, they will create a dental care plan to stop the disease’s progression. 


J. Bryson McBratney, D.D.S. of Anchorage, AK, provides cutting-edge dental care with a gentle touch. This dentist has over 33 years of experience and is supported by a friendly team that will make sure you feel at ease. Their services include everything from teeth cleanings to in-office dental crowns. They are always happy to welcome new patients—you can find all the information you need before your first visit online. For your convenience, they are also open on Saturdays. For an appointment with the dentist, call (907) 562-3323. 
