
When you have dead trees on your property, you might be curious if you can utilize the logs for firewood. Salvaging wood is a little more involved than just cutting down pieces and setting them in your fireplace. Here are the basics of saving dead trees and turning them into usable firewood.

When Should You Cut Firewood?

firewoodOnly use seasoned firewood, which are logs that are completely dry and free of leaves and needles. Dead trees that are bare or with bark either partially or completely gone are a good source for seasoned firewood as they are probably dry enough to use.

Typically, standing dead trees work better than logs that have fallen. When seeking dead trees in forests or reserves, find a copse of the same species that all seem to be similarly seasoned and are not showing signs of rot and decay.

Never use unseasoned, wet firewood since the moisture content can lead to excess creosote and chimney fires. Any ignition in your chimney, fireplace or wood-burning stove puts your entire property at risk.

What Type of Wood Should You Use?

Before you begin cutting firewood logs, know the species of trees you have since different types produce more heat and burn longer than others. Certain varieties also leave behind minimal ash. Hickory, apple, white oak, sugar maple, beech, and red oak top the list for good heat production. Wood that doesn’t burn as well includes white cedar, basswood, and cottonwood.

Since you should always have at least two years of firewood ready to use on your property, it’s best to find logs from other sources to ensure you have safely seasoned it and are not depleting the trees on your property too quickly. Save the dried, dead trees on your land for times of emergency.  

For firewood and tree services in Edwardsville, IL, trust Allan Tree Services. These tree care experts bring more than two decades of experience to every job, ensuring that the trees and shrubs on your landscaping are healthy and safe. For dead tree removal and other services for your landscape, call (618) 254-7507 Visit their website to learn how they can turn your dead trees into firewood.
