
Also known as vocational schools, trade schools provide special career training for jobs in the auto repair, HVAC, truck driving, welding, electrical work, beauty, and medical assistance fields among numerous others. Many provide flexible class scheduling to help their students complete their training and enter their chosen profession quickly. If you think trade school is right for your career needs, review what you should look for in this kind of institution before registering for classes.

What to Look for in a Trade School

1. Accreditation

The right trade school features licensing and accreditation indicating quality and credibility. Schools without credentials cannot provide state and federal financial aid, while employers prefer hiring people with degrees from accredited institutions. It generally indicates the extensive hands-on training employers look for. trade school

2. Completion Rate

There will always be students who leave school because the programs didn’t suit them among other reasons; however, excessively-high dropout rates are something to watch for. Trade schools with excellent completion statistics tell you students like the programs, instructors, and overall learning environment.

3. Programs of Interest

The right trade school for you must offer the program you want. It should also include the most up-to-date technology and tools that your industry currently utilizes so you graduate ready to take on your first job. 

4. Class Size

The student-to-teacher ratio gives you insight into how hands-on each class is. Since quality vocational training includes hands-on work to give you a comprehensive idea of what your future job will entail, trade schools with large classes in lecture halls are not optimal. The best schools feature instructors who spend time with each student during class.

5. Job Placement

What’s the job placement rate of your selected trade school? Do faculty members help students find work, or is there a program in place that performs this service? You should also find out what the starting salary is for your chosen field.


If you are looking for an accredited trade school in the Long Island City area, see what Berk Trade and Business School has to offer. A staple of the vocational school industry since 1940, this institution is backed by the New York State Education Department and accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. Flexible hours, small class sizes, and job placement assistance are among the many perks you can expect from this excellent school. Call (718) 729-0909 today or visit the website to learn about class schedules and financial aid options. 
