
As the first line of defense against the elements, your roofing is vulnerable to damage over the years. Instead of waiting for severe breakages to occur and scheduling major, costly repairs, it’s a better practice to be diligent about regular inspections. That way, you and your roofer can be proactive about any damage. Here’s a closer look at when you should plan your inspection. 

When Should You Inspect Your Roofing?

To best safeguard your roofing, it’s optimal to have two professional inspections each year. One should be in fall and the other in spring. By scheduling the appointments during the milder seasons, you have the best chance of the technician spotting all the damage, and you’ll ensure that your structure will be fortified in time for the seasons with more inclement weather. 

As a homeowner or property manager, it’s wise for you to get in the habit of conducting your own casual inspections, but they shouldn’t be replacements for a professional outing. Not only are the trained technicians able to spot less-obvious damage that you may miss (like a subtle depression in your roof), but their continued presence is often required for your roofing warranties to stay in effect. It makes the most sense for you to inspect your roofing after big storms since that is the time when the structure may need immediate repairs. 

What Does an Inspection Entail?

roofingHaving some background about what a roofing inspection includes will improve your own inspections and let you have a more informed interaction with the roofer. The basis of most inspections will include the shingles. The roofer will check to see whether any are missing and if they’re warped or curling. A smart tactic to double check their condition is to look in your gutters to see if you see any granules — their presence indicates that the material has begun to degrade. 

The next stage of the inspection will involve supporting components of your roof. The professionals will examine the flashing for signs of rust. In the final phase, the technician will study the roof from both above and below to gauge whether there are any leaks. 


If it’s been too long since your last roofing inspection, don’t hesitate to reach out to the top roofer, Tory's Roofing & Waterproofing, in Pearl City. In business since 1972, the Oahu roof maintenance company is affiliated with the Roofing Contractors Association of Hawaii (RCAH), Associated Builders and Contractors Inc. (ABC), as well as the Better Business Bureau®. To set up a time for an inspection, just call (808) 456-5990. Learn more about the company by visiting their website.  
