
Rotator cuff injuries are incredibly common, and they can happen during a hard set at the gym or while you’re changing a light bulb at home. Any overhead activity can potentially damage your rotator cuff, the group of muscles and tendons that help move and stabilize the shoulder joints. However, with corrective exercise, you can strengthen those muscles and reduce the risk of injury. Here are three essential exercises to add to a routine.

Corrective Exercise Ideas to Prevent a Rotator Cuff Injury

1. Internal & External Rotation Dumbbell Curls

For an internal rotation, hold a light dumbbell in the right hand and lay on the right side. Keep your right arm bent at a 90-degree angle with the elbow tucked against your ribs. Bring the weight toward you, then slowly return it to the floor. Repeat on your left side.

For an external rotation, hold a dumbbell in the right hand and lay on your left side. The arm should remain at a 90-degree angle with your elbow tucked in, but this time, raise the weight toward the sky. Repeat on the right side.

The movements should be slow and measured. Keep your wrist straight the entire time, and imagine the shoulder is a door hinge, opening and closing without breaking that 90-degree angle.

2. Abduction Shoulder Dumbbell Curls

corrective exerciseStand with the feet shoulder-width apart and hold two lightweight dumbbells in your hands. With your arms straightened the entire time, bring the dumbbells up to the sides, hold the position for a few seconds, and then slowly bring the arms back to your sides. Work with a personal trainer to determine how many sets of this corrective exercise you should perform. Only hold the position for as long as what feels comfortable.

3. Forward Raises

Also known as forward flexion shoulder raises, this corrective exercise can be performed with dumbbells or cables. With the knees slightly bent, your back straight, and the wrists down, hold two light dumbbells in front of your hips. Raise the dumbbells so they are at shoulder level, hold the position, and then slowly bring them back down to the hips.

The best corrective exercise meets your needs and capabilities. Work with a seasoned personal trainer to strengthen and develop the large and small shoulder muscles. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or simply trying to be more mindful of your health, the shoulders—and body—will thank you.


Overall wellness isn’t limited to how much weight you can lift or how many sit-ups you can perform—it’s an all-encompassing combination of health, fitness, and overall growth. That’s why people in Boulder, CO, trust the professional trainers at Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center. Whether you need a corrective exercise program or massage therapy, you’ll find everything you need under one roof. To schedule an assessment, call (303) 475-4578, or visit them online to learn more about their personalized training programs.
