
At-home dental care is the foundation for maintaining a healthy smile, which is why it’s important to stick to proven practices every day. The staff at Nicholas J. Hurley, DDS, PA in Thomasville, NC, advises that nothing can replace brushing, flossing, and other basic aspects of dental care, and they want to share several tips to ensure you get the most from these practices. This will lead to a long-lasting smile and a healthier mouth.

5 Dental Care Tips for the Ideal Smile

1. Brush & Floss Twice a Day

Brushing and flossing are the staples of dental care, and you should do each at least twice a day. They’re best done in the morning and before bed for at least two minutes, though you may want to add another throughout the day after a heavier meal or sugar-heavy snack. Just make sure to wait 30 minutes so you don’t damage your teeth.

2. Rinse

dental careRinsing is something many people forgo, though it’s essential to dental care. After brushing or flossing, it helps remove any lingering bacteria. You can also do it throughout the day after meals or snacks to accomplish the same task. Water can be effective, as well as mouthwash, so speak with your dentist to see which they prefer.

3. Clean Your Tongue

Bacteria can sit on your tongue even after brushing, flossing, and rinsing, so always take the time to clean it. Use your toothbrush or a tongue scraper for the best results. It will also lead to better breath, so do it before rinsing for a comprehensive cleaning.

4. Use the Right Brush

The brush you use has a significant impact on how well your teeth are cleaned. It first needs to be small enough so you can maneuver easily around your mouth. You also need the right bristles; if they’re too coarse, they may actually damage enamel. Everyone’s teeth are different, so ask your dentist which products to use.

5. Chew Gum

Chewing gum is another excellent way to clean your teeth throughout the day. It can dislodge stuck-on foods, and it also promotes saliva production, which will help clean your teeth. It’s not a replacement for brushing and flossing, but it can be effective after meals. For the best results, use sugar-free gum.

For more dental care advice and treatment, turn to Nicholas J. Hurley, DDS, PA. They offer comprehensive dental services, including emergency treatment, and will work with you to ensure you achieve and maintain a healthy smile. Call (336) 476-1109 today to schedule an appointment, and visit their website and Facebook page to learn more about their practice.
