
With dedication and care, you may be able to successfully file for divorce without the help of a lawyer—but that isn't usually the wisest choice. While the paperwork itself is accessible to anyone, divorce law is often convoluted and full of pitfalls for the inexperienced. D'Agosto & Howe, LLC in Shelton, CT, will protect you from the common mistakes of family law proceedings and help you toward the most advantageous outcome. Below, they explain why it is so beneficial to work with a legal professional when you want to end your marriage. 

Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

1. An Outside Perspective

lawyerEven an amicable divorce has a way of bringing out powerful emotions which can get in the way of your case. However, a lawyer will approach your situation from the outside and with an unbiased perspective.

2. Experience With Family Law

Divorce isn't a one-and-done event. There is a long process full of standard procedures to follow, and making even the smallest mistakes could cost you in court—if they’re significant enough, they could even reset the clock on your divorce. A lawyer who has been through the process before can help you avoid those mistakes.

3. Advocacy in Court

If you have difficulty standing up for yourself, particularly against a room full of strangers, a judge, or your spouse, your lawyer will be there to speak for you. You may win concessions you didn't know were possible, and you will avoid burdensome arrangements in your divorce agreement.

4. A Purposeful Strategy

Negotiating with your spouse about the divorce is a matter of arranging your priorities, knowing which are most realistic, and making calculated concessions to win the points which are most important to you. A lawyer will excel at these negotiations, and they will help you approach them with purpose.

5. Familiarity With the Proceedings

Even if your paperwork is perfect and your divorce agreement is flawless, there are procedures that need to be followed in a courtroom. An experienced lawyer has practice in the courtroom and will help you understand what to do and what to expect so you don’t make any costly mistakes.

Divorce proceedings have the power to shape your future, so you shouldn't take any chances on it going poorly. For experienced representation and advice on your divorce, turn to the professional lawyers at D'Agosto & Howe, LLC. Give them a call today at (203) 712-0210 or contact their office online for more information on how they can help you.
