
If you or someone you love experiences frequent bad breath, it could be related to tonsil stones. This condition results in a persistent foul odor that can’t be fixed by brushing and flossing alone. As a trusted name in dental care in Hayward, WI, Rydell Family Dental offers the following information on tonsil stones and how routine teeth cleanings can help prevent bad breath in the meantime.

Tonsil Stones Explained

Tonsil stones are calcified deposits of food debris and bacteria that accumulate on the tonsils. As tonsil stones form, they attract more and more debris, which eventually leads to chronic halitosis or bad breath. Patients can have one large stone or several small ones, and stones may still form even if tonsils are removed. While smaller stones may be dislodged by vigorous gargling with salt water, laser surgery and medications are also common treatments.  


Teeth CleaningsAlong with bad breath, tonsil stones are often accompanied by sore throat, coughing, and continual ear pain. Other symptoms include white spots at the back of the throat, inflammation, problems swallowing, and dizziness in rare cases. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, talk to your dentist.

The Importance of Regular Teeth Cleanings

There are things you can do to prevent tonsil stones and bad breath in general from occurring. Optimal oral hygiene is essential in this case, which entails brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Fluid intake is also important; drinking water with your meals will remove any lingering food debris and bacteria from your mouth. Teeth cleanings are also vital. Not only can they remove hard-to-reach plaque and bacteria, but they also help your dentist identify any issues. 

Not only can a teeth cleaning help combat tonsil stones, but it also ensures your smile looks the best it can. Rydell Family Dental offers routine cleanings and many other services to patients in Hayward, WI, including comprehensive procedures such as root canals. Schedule your appointment by calling (715) 634-4864. If you’d like more information on the services they provide, visit them online.
