
Eye infections are painful and irritating. Symptoms like itchiness, redness, and swelling can create lasting damage to the eyes if left untreated. However, with proper eye care, infections are largely preventable. Discover some practical tips for keeping eye infections at bay below.

7 Eye Care Tips to Avoid Infections

1. Wash Your Hands

Bacteria are spread through hand contact. For instance, shaking hands with a coworker can spread conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye. Be sure to wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap in order to prevent the spread of germs.

2. Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

Even if you wash your hands frequently, it’s still a good practice to avoid rubbing your eyes. Everything we touch – from doorknobs to computer keyboards – has microbes, some of which could cause infection. Moreover, your hands could be holding tiny, foreign particles which could scratch your cornea.

3. Don’t Share Makeup

If you wear makeup, never share eye products with another individual. Applying someone else’s makeup to your eye can lead to the transfer of infection-causing germs. Stye, pink eye, and warts are just some of the unpleasant eye conditions which could be picked up through shared cosmetics.

4. Wash Linens Often

It is crucial to wash your linens regularly, as they can harbor germs which cause infection. Be sure to wash your pillowcases, towels, and bed sheets weekly. Running laundry with hot water and detergent is typically enough to kill off any harmful bacteria.

5. Clean Makeup Brushes

Makeup wearers should note that it is crucial to wash brushes regularly. Bacteria, dead skin cells, and other unwanted germs are found on brush bristles, and it’s even possible to contract staph infections through unwashed brushes. Be sure to wash brushes at least once a week with a mild shampoo and warm water.

6. Wash Your Face Before Sleeping

eye careHaving a clean face before going to sleep plays a significant role in preventing eye infections. Thoroughly washing away any germs, makeup, and dirt that can seep into your pores overnight is important to maintaining optimal eye health. These contaminants could make their way into your eye, causing irritation and infection.

7. Keep Contact Case and Lenses Clean

If you’re a contact lens wearer, be sure to keep your lenses and case clean. Wearing contacts for extended periods can cause damage to the eyes. Be sure to replace your contacts and case as directed by your eye doctor, and clean contacts after each wear.


While avoiding infections is one component of comprehensive eye care, protecting your vision also requires regular trips to your eye doctor’s office. If you’re seeking an optometrist in the Miamisburg, OH, area, turn to Wing Eyecare. They’ve served patients for more than a century and provide comprehensive vision care services, including exams, glasses, contact lenses, and screenings and treatments for eye conditions. Browse through their services on their website or call (937) 247-2000 to schedule an appointment.
